I can already hear the 5 am phone call we’re likely to get again tomorrow morning.  Darn you,  Punxsutawney Phil.  I can hang with winter, but enough is enough!

In the spirit of making the best of this white stuff (snow margaritas, anyone?), I thought I would offer this quick little tip to help you make the most of your snow day photo ops.  You don’t have to own a fancy camera to benefit.  The next time your children are out building Olafs while incessantly singing “Let it Go” (this can’t just be happening at our house), pull out your DSLR, point and shoot, iPhone – what have you.  Place your kids facing a snow bank (shouldn’t be hard to find one…he he) and the snow will act as a natural reflector bouncing light back onto their faces.  You’ll get sparkly catchlights and all will be well with the world.  Until about 2 minutes later when they are snot covered and crying and you suddenly have a mountain of clothes and boots piled up on your (now wet) living room floor.  Yet again.

Enjoy, my friends!


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