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I had my heart set on the Ice Castles. Aside from a few iPhone snapshots, I had not taken photos of my children for months. This was not an oversight that I can blame on a busy life. The truth is, I didn’t feel inspired. As the guilt of this rut sunk in more and more, so did the pressure […]
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Back to school is a happy and exciting time at our house. After a summer packed full of (what sure seemed like!) non-stop travel and adventure, I find by this time of year, I’m ready to settle back in. September also signals the start of my very busy fall portrait season (a friendly reminder to book your session now before […]
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We last left off with the first half of our Wells Maine vacation photos. It only took me 10 months to wrap this up. 😉 But better late than never, I say! Our family has been vacationing at this beach since my Mom was a child. Wells holds countless memories for me growing up and it’s my hope […]
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When you drive over the bridge into Maine from NH, you come upon a large blue sign that reads, “Welcome to Maine! The Way Life Should Be.” When I was a little kid, I would start counting out loud at a specific point before the bridge and would stop just as our car passed under […]