It’s like one minute I was changing diapers and reading Goodnight Moon and the next I’m staring at this half-baby teeth, half-big girl teeth, Harry Potter-reading GIRL.

Craziness, I tell you.  But I don’t have to because you can probably relate.

Like many other family photographers, my children (especially my daughter) suffer from what’s known in the biz as “PCS”

Yup.  It’s the truth. So for a while there, I kinda just gave up trying to photograph her and concentrated on my somewhat more willing (albeit lightening-fast-moving) son.  But something hit me yesterday. Maya was home from school for a snow day and I couldn’t stop staring at her.  Did she grow 2 inches overnight?  Why is she speaking like an adult?  It’s the teeth.  It’s got to be the teeth.  And when did her penmenship go from looking like chicken scratch to pristine, even letters on a page??  I knew there was no more waiting.  I had to ask her if she wanted to take a few photos with me.

“Five minutes, Mom.  You have five minutes”

And 5 minutes I got. 🙂

I’m afraid to blink again.  Who knows what I might miss…

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