I knew the minute I read the answers to Alyssa’s client questionnaire that we would have a special session.  As a photographer herself, she understands the value of professional family portraits and even more so how important that it is to GET IN THE PICTURE with our children.  We moms are usually the ones behind the camera, documenting all of the milestones and memories for our families.  But what happens as a result?  Too often, we are missing from the photographs.  Sure, thanks to the handy front facing cameras on our mobile phones, we can capture a mommy and me selfie here and there, but how often are we photographed playing with our kids? Snuggling them? Loving on them?  The answer for Alyssa was pretty much never.  And she wanted to change that.  That’s when she contacted me.

I met Alyssa, her daughter and her “very best friend” – her mom – at Mack’s Apples in Londonderry. We spent an hour and a half playing and exploring, and although 3 year old Ryleigh was interested in everything around her but the camera, we were still able to make some beautiful portraits.  Capturing their tight-knit family as they are.  Loving, authentic, and in the picture.

Londonderry NH family and child portraits

Londonderry NH family and child portraits

Londonderry NH family and child portraits

Londonderry NH family portraits_0003

Londonderry NH family portraits

Londonderry NH family and child portraits

Londonderry NH family portraits

Londonderry NH family portraits

Londonderry NH family portraits

Londonderry NH family portraits

For more information about Londonderry NH family and child portraits, please contact Kami Friday.  Kami is a lifestyle family and portrait photographer specializing in children, newborns, babies, high school seniors and maternity photography.  Based conveniently on the Southern NH border, she photographs clients on location throughout, NH, Northern MA, and the Greater Boston area.  Now booking fall shoots in Londonderry, Bedford, Nashua, Amherst, Hollis, Groton MA, and beyond.

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Don't wait until it's too late to preserve the moments you can't get back. You're here because you care about quality portraiture and want to create beautiful images that last a lifetime. Check it off your TO DO list today, and let's get this ball rolling!

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