I have the most wonderful clients.  It’s true.  And it appears I am not alone. 

I keep up with a few photography blogs and I read this type of comment a lot.  I hesitated before writing this today because I already know what you might be thinking – these nutjob photographers are all saying this to butter up their clients! 

I used to think the same thing.  And then I started doing this professionally. 

It’s hard to pinpoint exactly what it is about the kinds of people who value custom photography, but it’s not unusual for me to find myself drawn to them as more than just “clients”.  There is such a wonderful intimacy that comes along with taking photographs.   My clients open more than their homes; they trust me with their children.  And that opens my heart.  We get to know each other first through emails or phone calls, and more often than not, I feel like we are old friends before I even walk into the door. 

Heather and Joe are perfect examples.  I felt comfortable the minute I walked into their home.  It was a dark and dreary morning and I was frazzled from a busy week.  Everything was going against me.  But they welcomed me in and put me right at ease with their laid back, friendly personalities.  Their daughter, Lily, was almost 4 weeks old and Heather couldn’t have looked more radiant as a mom.  Seriously, who looks this beautful and calm right after giving birth to their first child?  Certainly not me!


Aren’t her eyes insane?  You are stunning, Heather.

Little Miss Lily was adorable – small and dainty with the most gorgeous skin.  I love how tiny her feet look in her daddy’s hands!

Pugsly, the family dog, didn’t want to be left out.  It was the first time they ever let him on their bed.  I hope I didn’t start any bad habits!  😉

I thoroughly enjoyed meeting your family, Heather and Joe.  I look forward to watching Lily grow!

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