I confessed it to my husband. “I have fallen in love with another man.” All it took was one look into his big, soulful eyes and I was smitten. His name is Ayo and he is 2 months old. His mom is my dear friend and former Zumba instructor (allow me to define “Zumba” with a grain of salt here, because her class was so.much.more. than that) She moved to Maryland a year ago and just when I thought I cried all the tears I could possibly cry from her leaving, she told me that she was going to become a Momma.
After 2 months of anticipation following his birth, I finally got to meet the little man in person when they traveled to NH for a recent visit. It was love at first sight. He was incredibly alert and awake throughout our entire newborn portrait session. It wasn’t until I packed up my camera for the day that he decided to crash.
In my arms.
My ovaries still ache.
It’s not hard to see why…
While it was a dark and dreary day outside, but we managed to find and harness some beautiful light. It’s there if you know how to look for it.
Mom, Natasha, has a smile that can light up a whole room – made even bigger than I thought possible by this little man here.
Dearest Ayo, you stole my heart and blessed my lens with one of the cutest little faces I’ve ever photographed. I can’t wait to watch you grow. Preferably in person. So let’s start working on moving back here, you hear?
Kami Friday is a Nashua NH lifestyle newborn baby photographer. She works with babies, families, expectant parents (maternity), children, teens, and high school seniors all throughout Southern NH, Northern MA and the Boston area. To book a portrait session in your home or on location, please contact Kami here.
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Don't wait until it's too late to preserve the moments you can't get back. You're here because you care about quality portraiture and want to create beautiful images that last a lifetime. Check it off your TO DO list today, and let's get this ball rolling!
I can't wait to meet you.