I want to shout from the rooftops how much I love working with my repeat clients.  It’s like catching up with old friends.

These were shot this past November (my blog will perpetually be backlogged, I fear, but in my quest for life balance I’m learning to make peace with that.)

A great article on the subject, by the way.  Thanks to, Jaye, my alter-ego photog friend in NY.

But back to the session…

Brandi and Rob have 3 of the sweetest boys I have ever met.  Seriously.  So much so that I had to stop and ask their mom if they ever fought. (Apparently they do. Phew!)

Hard to believe the baby, Ryan, is this big now.  I remember him when

As big Patriots fans, they wanted to be captured wearing their uniforms.  Do I spy a future quarterback in the making?

And since the tree was set up for Christmas, we couldn’t resist ending with a few in front it of. 🙂

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