I know it’s not yet officially summer, but it is close enough for me to call it.  In many ways this means a hectic schedule — barbecues, birthdays, day trips, travel.  But in many ways it also means slowing down.  School is out, soccer is over, dance is winding down.   I personally couldn’t be happier to release myself from being a slave to our over-scheduled life.  I want to rush less and linger more.

One of my goals for the summer is to document the little things.  I want to let go of the pressure to create the perfect portrait and make it about the moment.  The mess, the laughter, the fun.  Because in the grand scheme of things — for me — these are the kinds of images that capture my heart and keep me coming back time and time again to view.

I challenge you to do the same with your own family.

So while I am catching my breath a bit, I thought it would be fun to catch up on what we’ve been up to these past couple months.  For one, my little girl lost her first tooth!  According to her, this makes her a “grown-up.”  (and she reminds us of this revelation daily)

Meanwhile, my almost two year old continues to be entranced by anything with wheels…

…and everything messy.

Literally seconds within arriving at a friend’s house for a playdate, Max was “swimming” in a puddle.  Fully clothed, running faster than I could catch him.  I didn’t stand a chance.  A perfect example of how a picture can tell a thousand words:

This is Max.

And then there is my sweet Maya, who loves learning about the world almost as much as she loves using her imagination.  Oh the places you will go, my little one.

Speaking of places she will go, I now have an official kindergartener on my hands.  I know every parent struggles with this conundrum, but where does the time go?

Welcome summer!  We can’t wait to see what you hold for us this year.  Enjoy your own little things, and don’t forget your cameras!

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Don't wait until it's too late to preserve the moments you can't get back. You're here because you care about quality portraiture and want to create beautiful images that last a lifetime. Check it off your TO DO list today, and let's get this ball rolling!

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