Eggnog was poured and Christmas carols piped through the house.  Sure, it was only October, but there’s just something about the first snowfall that puts us in the holiday mood.  A snowstorm two days before Halloween? Excitement was in the air.

That was until this hit our roof at 3am.

The thud was so intense, our entire house shook.  My husband and I rushed out of bed, dashing into the kids’ rooms so fast that our feet barely touched the carpet.  Thankfully, they were perfectly safe and sound asleep in their beds (thus demonstrating that tiptoeing around a sleeping baby is a rather silly act).  By this point, adrenaline got the best of my husband and he spent the next few minutes hyperventilating into a paper bag while I fetched him orange juice (true story…I can laugh about it now).  Needless to say, we didn’t get much sleep that night.

But we were safe.  Our kids were okay.

We spent the next morning carving pumpkins, attempting to have a normal Halloween.

But the snow was the real show.  The novelty wore off quickly once we added up all the storm damage (not to mention it’s still Day 5 and counting of no power as I type), but I did manage to capture some photos the day after the storm.  I just love the juxtaposition of the snow against the fall foliage.  Certainly a first for me.  And now that it has happened once, hopefully a last as well!


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