I’m a portrait photographer, so shooting sports is out of my element.  However, there was no way my husband was going to compete in this crazy physical challenge last weekend in VT without me:

a) cheering him on like a madwoman

b) taking loads of photos (even at the expense of lugging 10 lbs of gear up, down and all around Mt Snow!)

And I’m so happy I did because it was A BLAST!  Picture your worst (yet strangely appealing) nightmare, and there you have it – the Tough Mudder.

The following photos tell the story of my husband, three of his closest friends, and thousands of other men and women who banded together through extreme conditions in the name of physical/mental challenge and teamwork.  Here’s little glimpse into why they call it “probably the toughest event on the planet.”

The morning of the race, my husband randomly found my daughter’s polka dot headband in his suitcase.  He wore it for good luck.

The following was captured immediately following a dive under ice cold water. (as in they dumped a truck load of actual ice into it)

The cheerleaders!


Those wire you see hanging down?  They are live.  And there is no escaping them.

They call it the Mudder for a reason…

A picture tells a thousand words.

One last run through some live wires and they made it.  I am so proud of my guys!!!  If you can conquer 12 miles of grueling obstacles up and down (and up and down…) a steep ski mountain, you can conquer anything you put your mind to.

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