I’m a softy for babies, so it is no surprise that newborn sessions pull at my heartstrings.  I can stare at them in amazement for hours.  I love to capture the newness of everything.  The wrinkles, the sleepiness, the way their bodies curl into little balls; the emerging bonds between parents and new siblings.  As cliche as it sounds, it is a fleeting time and it’s so easy to forget the details among the diapers changes, endless feedings and sleepless nights.

That’s where I come in — to help you remember. 🙂

Meet Alexandra – 10 days young:

Sarah, you are stunning.  It isn’t fair for either of you to look this well rested after just having a baby!

Alexandra’s sister, Charlotte, wasn’t too sure what to make of the new arrival.  She was quite nervous that the baby would cry and didn’t want to get close.  She clung to her dad and blankie for support.

But slowly, we saw her curiosity and wonder emerge.  It was beautiful to witness.  I think we all got a little teary at this moment…

3 generations of women to celebrating together. 🙂

Thank you, Sarah and Darren, for sharing your stunning home and beautiful family (inside and out) with me.

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