I need the sea because it teaches me,
I don’t know if I learn music or awareness,
if it’s a single wave or its vast existence,
or only its harsh voice or its shining
suggestion of fishes and ships.
The fact is that until I fall asleep,
in some magnetic way I move in
the university of the waves.

– Pablo Neruda

Now that the kids are back to school and we are regaining some semblance of a daily routine, I’m finding making some time to tackle our Wells vacation photos.  If you’ve been following me for a while, then you know how much this annual voyage to Maine means to me.  And if you’d like a refresher, just click here, herehere and — going waaaay back — here to see just why going here is like coming home.

The night we arrive at our rental home is always filled with excitement.  The harbor across the street from the main beach was swimming with hermit crabs.  The kids found hundreds of them.  We could have spent the whole week just hunting for crabs and they would have been pleased as punch.  I’ve never seen anything like this in all my years there.  I like to take it as a good sign that the sea was happy, healthy and full of life.

Ever since watching Tangled, who hasn’t dreamed of setting off a sky-full of paper lanterns?  It was such a lovely surprise when my Dad and his girlfriend brought them to share with us.  If you ever try this at home, make sure to choose a night when the wind it still.  It was blowing quite hard on this evening, so we only managed to get one in the sky.  Lucky for us, we tried again on our last night with great success (images to follow in a future post…pinky promise!)

My parents were strict about junk food when I was a kid.  I’m the same way with my own.  Wouldn’t you know it that the thing I remember most from my childhood trips to Wells is that I got to have SUGAR CEREAL!  I was allowed to pick out one box — once a year — and I took that task very seriously.  I distinctively remember pacing up and down the grocery store aisle like I was making most important decision of my life.  How could I deny my children the same excitement?  It is traditional after all!

Every year my Dad spearheads a epic sandcastle building production and this was no exception – complete with guards!

Getting in the picture for a change.  And why you should too!

I don’t know about you, but the last time I saw a (live) starfish in the wild was a good 20 years ago.  It was exhilarating to find them.  Not to mention, my husband caught a lobster with his bare hands.  Who says learning stops when school ends?  In many ways, I think it just begins.

Thank you for coming on vacation with me.  Part two coming soon!



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