Welcome to my newly-designed site!  My wonderful  blog designer and I have been hard at work over the past few months and it is finally live!  I hope you love it as much as I do.  I think it perfectly compliments the logo the fabulous Kim at MadiLu Designs (who has the patience of a saint, by the way!) created for me.  Thank you girls for making me look so good. 🙂

And what better way to kick off my blog makeover than with some gorgeous baby eye candy?!

Miss Elizabeth – 5 1/2 months old:

It was a horribly dreadful day.  Rainy, dark and cold.  The light coming into the house was almost non-existent.  I am primarily a natural light photographer, but in times like these I am eternally grateful for my speedlight and a space heater.  The show must go on!

And on it went. 🙂


I adore this age.  Isn’t she smooch-able?  (when you are this cute, I can’t help but make up words.)


Can I steal your eyelashes?  Pretty please?  With sugar on top?


She was *this* close to sitting up on her own, and quite proud…

…one of her many talents.

(yes…that would be her foot.) 😉

This one is for Lizzie’s grandmother.  Irish and darn proud of it.

It was such a pleasure capturing this special girl.  I look forward to watching you grow more and more beautifully, Lizzie!

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Don't wait until it's too late to preserve the moments you can't get back. You're here because you care about quality portraiture and want to create beautiful images that last a lifetime. Check it off your TO DO list today, and let's get this ball rolling!

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