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Admittedly, I have not culled though all of my personal photos from 2015 yet.  I feel like a broken record referencing the old cobbler’s shoes story, but we all know how it goes.  Culling through and editing them is on my winter to-do list, so be on the lookout for more posts soon. While there is a good […]

15 for 2015 - personally speaking
15 for 2015 - personally speaking

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Ever feel like life is moving so fast that you’ve forgotten how to stop and be present? This is the story about about a frog and how he taught me to open my eyes. Talk with any professional photographer this time of year, and they will echo the craziness that comes with the fall portrait rush.  Ask any parent, […]


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And so the story goes – The Cobbler’s children have no shoes. I imagine it’s a familiar tale for most business owners.  While I have good intentions of getting caught up during the slower winter months, my personal photos have a habit of being sucked up into the black hole of to-do list backlog. Before I know it, […]


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We have ugly kitchen countertops. Like seriously ugly. On top of being unsightly, they are cracked, warped and chipping.  Despite my fantasy that Ty Pennington will surprise us in the middle of Home Depot to make over our kitchen on a reality TV show, they remain. We had to make a choice.  Countertops or travel.  We couldn’t […]