Since watching my husband and a bunch of his friends compete in their first Tough Mudder last year, I couldn’t wait to get back and photograph another one.  Some things I learned this time around:

– Spectating in 95 degree blazing heat with a 10+lb camera strapped around my neck (while hiking up an expert trail) is a bit of a Tough Mudder all in itself.  There may have been more than one occasion when I contemplated “accidentally” tripping and falling into an obstacle’s vat of ice water.  Only thing that stopped me was the realization that I’d have to submit one hefty business insurance property claim. (Note to self:  invest in a GoPro).

– Full sun is not a photographer’s friend.  I realized quickly that the success of my images last year had a lot to do with the fact that there was some cloud cover.  This is why I’m always reminding my family clients to stay away from mid-day.  You too can have two black holes for eyes! 😉

– That despite looking like absolute torture, participating does continue to look strangely appealing. (you may not hold me to this – I reserve the right to wimp out)

– That I am insanely proud of my husband, our friends, and all the bass-@ss people I met ripping through this challenge despite being hot and exhausted.  Through fears, through muscles seizures, through dehydration – I saw camaraderie and teamwork at its best.

The following are images I caught while watching my husband and (some of) his teammates complete the 2013 Boston Tough Mudder at Gunstock Mountain.  They killed it! Congratulations to Team Mud-life Crisis and to all who participated!

Arctic Enema. With several tractor trailers on hand (filled with nothing but ice), there was no melting going on in these dumpsters.  They had it roped off so I couldn’t get up high, but here is a glimpse of what they swam through.  One of my favorites snaps of the day is here.

Carry your Mudder obstacle.  Still smiling….

The second half of the 12 mile course coming soon….


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